The Artists Guild Member Highlights
Get Highlighted Today!
Members share their stories on how Bright Light Fine Art and The Artists Guild has helped with their accomplishments, progress, and what it has meant to them as Artists.
How to Become a Member Highlight?
- Share your story and member accomplishments
- Submit your member highlights via the form below
- Get Highlighted on Our “Member Highlights” Page

Submit Info to Be a Part of Our Member Highlights
Bright Light Fine Art and The Artists Guild members are working hard everyday to make the mission of the their passion of art come alive. This submission is an opportunity to share your member accomplishments so we can celebrate those successes with you. Did you recently receive an award? Reach an important milestone? Start a professional business? Have you been featured in a media outlet? We want to hear about all what our members are doing! Accomplishments submitted are featured here on our Member Highlights page to share the joy with others. The Artists Guild professional community is making waves, and it’s time to tell that story. So, share your story today, and let’s progress as artists together!