Sundays with David Leffel/ The Painting Doctor- 2024 - The Artists Guild Fine Art | Bright Light Fine Art

Sundays with David Leffel/ The Painting Doctor- 2024

“Sundays With David Leffel/ The Painting Doctor” 2024

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Simplicity And Complexity Defined In A Demo Continued!
As this is a subject that is often misunderstood, David wants to continue with demonstrating what he means by simplicity and complexity. And within this discussion will be the answers to some of the other questions you have about painting. David is extending his New Year present to all of you with this second demonstration in a row! (2024-01-07)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Sculptural Painting: What It Means
David will again have paint and brushes on hand as he describes what sculptural painting really is. Come armed with your questions about a form of painting that has been done for centuries, but is often not actually understood. David will explain in his charming and learned way. (2024-01-14)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Think Like A Painter
After watching last week’s program, David wanted this to be the subject of this week’s program. He will explain what it means to really ‘think’ like a painter. As you all know, David is eloquent in his speech, and has the passion to impart his knowledge in as understandable way as possible. (2024-01-21)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Critique Workshop Review
Now that you’ve had time to think about all the critiques from the workshop, David will be there to give his review of the work, what most needs to be worked on, and to answer any and all questions you may have about painting and drawing. This will be a wonderful way–midstream, so to speak–of digesting the wealth of information and understanding from this productive weekend workshop, with more to come next month! Don’t miss this great reprise of our past weekend critique workshop. (2024-02-04)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Solving Painting Problems: What It Really Means
As much as people talk about solving painting problems, do you really know what that means in a practical way? No fear! David will answer all your questions about what problems exactly you are solving when painting. Using his newest painting on the easel, he’ll talk about the problems he is solving in his painting as well as what it means for your own work. This promises to be a wonderfully informative program and one that will set your thinking in the right direction. (2024-02-11)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Sculptural Painting: What Is It Really?
This subject cannot be covered too many times. The difference between ‘copying’ what you see and painting ‘sculpturally’ is perhaps the most important thing to learn about painting. If you want to create work that has magic, comes to life, and makes the heart soar, then you are wanting to learn about sculptural painting. Using a painting of a nude he did of our favorite model in New York, David will explain the difference between these two ways of painting. (2024-02-18)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Self Portrait Demo
While the Doctor is away Jackie Kamin will co-host and respond to questions during this replay of a recording done live in 2020. In this painterly demo, David hits this one out of the ballpark! He starts slowly getting the size, placement and gesture of the head. Once he starts putting on the light, the painting looks like him almost immediately. David achieved a solid, dimensional portrait with big, broad brushstrokes, giving the illusion that it was much more finished than one could imagine, but without using detail. This film is a tour de force in how to paint portraits. (2024-03-03)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Understanding & Utilizing The Full Value Of A Critique
Since our Critique Workshop, we have had a lot of feedback, both positive and negative, and we felt it would be helpful to talk about critiques and how they can be used to move your own work forward. Providing the teacher’s motivation is to help the student, critiques can shake us up and help us change and grow into much better artists. We’ll talk about all things ‘critiques’ and invite questions and comments about the learning experience. Join us for an illuminating program on something that is both necessary if we want to continue growing and yet touches us all deeply. (2024-03-10)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Making Meaningful Brushstrokes
Paint quality is often talked about by art teachers and artists, but what do they mean? Is it simply using lots of paint, or is there something else to understand about the beauty of paint? Can a painting with thinner paint have good paint quality? David will talk at length about paint and the mesmerizing beauty it can have. This may be one of the most intriguing subjects to focus on for every artist. (2024-03-17)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Technique and it’s Limitations
In this previously recorded program David addresses the questions: do you really need technique? And if you’ve learned a technique, do you feel constrained by the lack of understanding? David will talk about technique and its limitations and help you understand the things that will really help you progress as a painter. Jackie Kamin will be on hand live to field any additional questions or comments. Join us for a refreshing clarification of a much-misunderstood conception.(2024-03-31)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor:
Creating Dimension with Paint
In this previously recorded program, David shows the viewer how simple creating dimension can be. Using thick, sensual paint, follow along as he takes you brushstroke by brushstroke through the problems of painting a portrait. David explains what he is doing to make the structure of the form and then magically, the features appear. Witness his masterful control of the warms and cools thus giving the illusion of dimension. He also gives great insights into the forms of the face, done with planes and corners – instead of drawing. Sherrie and Jacqueline ask questions as he effortlessly explains his process and shows how paint can come alive by making beautiful brushstrokes. (2024-04-07)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: All The News!
Sherrie & David will fill you in on their very full week in Kansas, where Sherrie judged a national show for OPA, David got a Lifetime Achievement Award, and they had many observations on ego, painting ability, and what really matters in life. No small topic! Don’t miss this meaningful program on the things that really matter for an artist wanting to get better! (2024-04-14)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Do You Consider The Importance Of Pace While Painting?
How you control the pace in a painting is vital to not only how well you capture what you are after, but also whether or not you will continue to progress. Intrigued? David will explain how controlling the pace in your painting is of paramount importance. In his elegant and entertaining way, you’ll have another clue about what’s happening in your own work, while being entertained and learning too.(2024-04-28)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Are You Staying In The Background?
Backgrounds aren’t that important, are they? The only thing that matters is the foreground, right? Nothing could be further from the truth, and David will explain. Backgrounds are the supports that make the foregrounds truly shine. Without considering a good background, your subject could be suffering. Learn about backgrounds in a way you’ve never considered before. This program will change how you think about this elusive part of a painting. (2024-05-05)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: Painting Complicated Backgrounds & Keeping Them Back
This program will be an extension of last week’s program that brought up the issue of backgrounds and how they need to complement the foreground and yet stay back. This week David will have images of some interior paintings as well as a still life with a complex background to explain how something that sounds impossible to do visually is actually quite simple. Bring your background questions as we go deeper into the various permutations of this common painting challenge. (2024-05-12)

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor:

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor:

David Leffel – The Painting Doctor: