Differences between Painting and Drawing “Languages”
David was visiting my studio this particular day and wanted to paint a model. We hired Maude as she has been my favorite model for years now. David was excited to paint her again, as she posed for him years ago in Los Angeles. As well as being an aspiring... Read More
In this wonderful and informative blog, Stacy Kamin leads us through the very complex theory of shadows when painting light and shadow in the chiaroscuro way of working in oil. In oil painting shadows help create the illusion of dimension. One of the most important techniques is the skill to... Read More
Could I be a late bloomer? Does learning to paint and draw have an age limit? Can I find my artistic outlet at any age? Could I have hidden talent lying in wait? Maturity can bring a richer understanding and appreciation to the process of learning to paint, and learning something... Read More